The majority of the trips that children experience throughout their journey from Nursery to Year 6 are linked with their curriculum learning. These will broadly stay the same year on year, so that by the time a child leaves Danetree Primary school, they will have been afforded many cultural capital enhancing experiences.
Additional trips are organised where it is deemed a great opportunity for children to build their Cultural Capital and forge links with the local community, like the annual local remembrance day services at Bourne Hall, the opportunity to run in the London Mini Marathon or an Eco ambassador trip to plant trees in the local nature reserve by the Hogsmill river.
We aim for each child to experience at least 3 trips or visits each academic year, with one of those being a trip out of school and two of those being workshops within school. Where external trips are planned, the process is overseen by our Educational Visits Coordinator, Miss Thorne who has undertaken the relevant Surrey County Council training.
Costs are kept to a minimum, with no trips intended to make a profit. Consideration for the current economic climate is always taken into account, with those in receipt of certain benefits able to apply for a subsidy to ensure that all children have the opportunity to attend. For example when undertaking the Bikeability training, children who meet the Pupil Premium threshold can pay a reduced rate of £4 instead of £15.
This year the annual trips and visits costs for each year group has not exceeded £60, excluding those attending the residential trips in Years 4 and 6.
Our drive to develop children’s swimming capabilities remain s strong. Key Stage 2 children have the opportunity to benefit from 5 swimming lessons in order to ensure that by the time they leave Year 6, they are water confident and most are able to swim 25 metres unaided. We rely heavily on parent volunteers to help us with this and other trips. Where possible, DBS checked adults are utilised and given a clear and comprehensive guidance sheet detailing their responsibilities, before each excursion.
Finally, leaders make the decision for Year 4 & 6, in lieu of costs associated with bikeability, swimming and their residential trips, to only facilitate internal visits. Where children cannot attend a residential trip their week is filled with a variety of additional cultural capital building activities, both in school and within the local area.
Please click on the link below to see the trips proposed for each Year Group